Sophia Stewart uncovered the fraud in both cases. As you know two sentences of fraud overturns or wins the court case, because a judge cannot aid or abet in a criminal scheme. Sophia Stewart has proven she wrote the Matrix & Terminator. Judge Brooke C. Wells ruled that the evidence (30 counts of fraud & perjury) stand August 11, 2009. Sophia Stewart won both cases and media is welcome to look at the evidence!
I pray all is well. I heard about Mother Sophia's case and fight for justice and have been listening to some of the radio interviews on YouTube and posting on Facebook since I learned of the case. I am overjoyed to hear that she has prevailed...on my birthday no less. I'll be re-doing my video lesson - "What Is the Matrix?," which I was working on tonight and sharing this news with the students I teach at the independent school here in Baltimore, as well as in the forum I frequent. Sister, I wish you and your family the best of the best that this life has to offer in the days, weeks, months, years, and life-times to come. You are my hero and I am certain you and your story will be an inspiration to generations to come. Thank you. Thank you. And, thank you. Ase!
The fact is that True Americans obey the Constitution as do True Brits the 1700 Settlements Act.: The Courts in the States are run from Britain true check out
Late Justice William Wayne’s rulings and comments in the James and Sharon Patterson, (Case 6:97-CR-51) if you can find it open to the public that is. True .
You will find his appeal listed for public viewing but the documents of the original trial hidden away as THE COURTS IN THE STATES are run by Britain as is the Welfare also run by the FAKE “Queen” of England {Britain). Check out the www.Social Security (United States) Act 1997 which was passed illegally by the Queen which states how much welfare you are entitled to . Although Opsi has suspended it you can ONLY see the amendments online at Opsi and the full Act on other sites such as: http://www.civil-liberties.com/books/.
NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT THE QUEEN IS A FAKE - true ---listen Melrose place has nothing on this scandal. The True heir to the Throne is one Micheal Abney Hastings who is currently playing Moses in the Wilderness that is Australia.. gudday mate [hey bud ]come and take the throne will ya so we can all pay our taxes to the rightful heir.
Not only is Elizabeth Saxo Coburg {A.ka Windsor} not the Righful heir [- a claim which historians support and one which 10 Downing Street nor Buckingham Palace has NOT REFUTED]..she has forefeited the 1700 Settlements ACT which governs how Royalty rule if they are true British that is see it here :[ http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/content.aspx?activeTextDocId=1565208]
‘NO Protestant Monarch can continue on the Throne if they communicate with the Pope and all things papist.’ True they forefeit the Crown and all Citizens are not to pay heed to such a monarch nor any laws passed by such a one nor pay taxes etc.
From Lines 10 downwards.
The "queen” met with the Pope in 1980 had VESPERS {prayers with HOly Communion ) in a Catholic church and has an Embassy in the Vatican LOL - I don’t know what communication is if not all of that?!!
Ms Stewart won her case rightly and fairly as given by the Copyright ACT even if we have to go back to Queen Annes Act she won IT.
p.s Anon cos I cant be bothered in sign in !
Elizabeth F Obisanya.
The fact is that True Americans obey the Constitution as do True Brits the 1700 Settlements Act.: The Courts in the States are run from Britain true check out
Late Justice William Wayne’s rulings and comments in the James and Sharon Patterson, (Case 6:97-CR-51) if you can find it open to the public that is. True .
You will find his appeal listed for public viewing but the documents of the original trial hidden away as THE COURTS IN THE STATES are run by Britain as is the Welfare also run by the FAKE “Queen” of England {Britain). Check out the www.Social Security (United States) Act 1997 which was passed illegally by the Queen which states how much welfare you are entitled to . Although Opsi has suspended it you can ONLY see the amendments online at Opsi and the full Act on other sites such as: http://www.civil-liberties.com/books/.
NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT THE QUEEN IS A FAKE - true ---listen Melrose place has nothing on this scandal. The True heir to the Throne is one Micheal Abney Hastings who is currently playing Moses in the Wilderness that is Australia.. gudday mate [hey bud ]come and take the throne will ya so we can all pay our taxes to the rightful heir.
Not only is Elizabeth Saxo Coburg {A.ka Windsor} not the Righful heir [- a claim which historians support and one which 10 Downing Street nor Buckingham Palace has NOT REFUTED]..she has forefeited the 1700 Settlements ACT which governs how Royalty rule if they are true British that is see it here :[ http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/content.aspx?activeTextDocId=1565208]
‘NO Protestant Monarch can continue on the Throne if they communicate with the Pope and all things papist.’ True they forefeit the Crown and all Citizens are not to pay heed to such a monarch nor any laws passed by such a one nor pay taxes etc.
From Lines 10 downwards.
The "queen” met with the Pope in 1980 had VESPERS {prayers with HOly Communion ) in a Catholic church and has an Embassy in the Vatican LOL - I don’t know what communication is if not all of that?!!
Ms Stewart won her case rightly and fairly as given by the Copyright ACT even if we have to go back to Queen Annes Act she wo
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