What does Sophia Stewart, Patricia Bohanan, Shirley Slesinger Lasswell, and George Newberry all have in common? These prophetic authors and intellectual property right owners are known to be unrelenting in their pursuit to obtain credit for their work as Sophia Stewart (“The Mother of Matrix & Terminator”), Shirley Slesinger Lasswell (“Winnie the Pooh”), Patricia Bohaonon, (“NBA Animation Rights Owner”), George Newberry (“End of Days”) will not allow judicial hypocrisy to prevent them from gaining justice. Stewart contends she will prevail in court irrespective of the United States misogynist judiciary operating to deprive people of color their civil rights to be heard before jury trials, while judges and attorneys concealing their conflicts of interest to “aid and abet” plagiarist that have operated with utter contempt as if all parties involved were paid off under the table to obstruct justice.
In November of 2006, Governor Arnold Swartzenegger maintaining 5% ownership of the Terminator trilogy offered Sophia Stewart a $5 million dollar payment under the table to keep quite. Although, Ms. Stewart refused to accept the Governor’s crumbs from the table of kings it’s historically apparent the integrity of the U.S. judicial system is easily compromised when the blind fold comes off with a minority standing before the court and money is involved. Immediately, after Ms. Stewart refused to accept any settlement offer, why did Warner Bros. copyright the sequel to Matrix Reloaded while the film was already being distributed in the market? To date, Ms. Stewart is unwavering in her pursuit and demand for 25% ownership of Warner Bros. Studios, and 25% ownership of Twenth Century Fox with stipulations to hire 10% African Americans into the workforce by a certain date, and to hire 10% of multiple ethnic groups, including mandates to produce at least 3 positive Black films of historical figures over the intervals of three years. Ms. Stewart asserts her demand for a percentage of ownership in both studios will increase up to 38% in the event the studios fails to timely meet the milestones to hire people of color to offset the misappropriation of money out of the Black community. Ms. Stewart believes that such remedies are necessary to repair the unjust enrichment resultant from Criminal Copyright Infringement Espionage.
Many in America want to forget the brutal history of racism. From 1619 up to present, very few meaningful inroad between the Black community and Jewish community have been made in light of the historical fact that the Jewish community financed the Black Holocaust with many of the slave ships such as the Abigail, Crown, Nassau, Fours Sisters, Anne & Hizm, Fruedem Beny, Hover, Elizabeth, Antigun, Betsy, Polly, White Horse, Expedition, Charlona, Caracoe, etc.
Ms. Stewart demands an investigation to see exactly which groups actually financially benefited the most from the theft of her 1981 copyright for the Terminator Franchise and the Matrix Trilogy? The misappropriation of her 1981 copyright corresponds to a loss over $3.5 billion dollars directly to Ms. Stewart for all six films, and the loss of numerous jobs for minorities equating to more than $1 billion dollars due to Racism, Greed and Economic Espionage. In essence more than $4.5 billion dollars was funneled out of the African American community for the enrichment of other groups. Ms. Stewarts asserts over 95% of Caucasians Community, and the Jewish Community, in front of the camera, and behind the camera financially benefited and were employed by the Terminator Series and the Matrix Trilogy. Furthermore, Ms. Stewart proclaims members of the Church of Scientology were unjustly enriched from the theft of her Copyright equating to Economic Espionage.
In 1999, the Church of Scientology and Warner Bros co-produced a film called “Battle-Field Earth”. Stewart did not know at the time she entered Ron Hubbard’s “Writers at the Future Contest” that the Church or Scientology pilfered core elements of her book. Stewart did not learn about their incestuous relationship until after the Defendants knowingly and willfully sabotage her judicial proceeding by violating her civil rights by obstructing her from proceeding before a judiciary, concealing depositions, and refusing the enter any of her evidence into court record for discovery. At the time, Stewart did not know, Judge Morrow on her case was the lead counsel for the Church of Scientology, and remained collusively silent. Judge Morrow is considered to have formerly represented the Church of Scientology, which benefited from Reed Slatkin's $600 million Ponzi scheme. Indeed, Judge Morrow's other senior partner John J. ("Jack") Quinn was often lead counsel for the Church of Scientology International and other of its affiliated corporations and enterprises. Furthermore, Stewart’s lawyers failed to disclose their conflicts of interest by also representing the Church of Scientology for the Film “Battle-Field Earth.” Judge Morrow had a legal obligation to maintain an impartial court with candor, and failed to disclose her conflicts of interest, or exercise her ethical obligations pursuant to the Canons of Judicial Conduct to recuse herself. Judge Morrow knew that Stewarts attorneys’ were depriving her of civil rights under the color of law, while obstructing proceeding before a judiciary, and failed to intervene because she knew that a conflict of interest existed by representing the Church of Scientology.
In this case, even the devil would have been a little bit more inconspicuous in a court knowing the tone of Ms. Stewart’s scathing condemnation in light of the implications for the “Appearance of Impropriety.”
Ms. Stewart believes irrespective of a lackadaisical attitude on behalf of the Justice Department to not honor her copyright by arresting the plagiarists; she is appalled by the governments’ refusal to protect 20th Century Fox Stock Share Holders from corporate espionage. When Susan Merzbach the Vice President of Creative Affairs for 20th Century Fox, misappropriated Ms. Stewarts’s 1981 copywritten Third Eye Movie Treatment which became the Terminator series under a dummy company called Pacific Western, along with her buddy Gale Ann Hurd, it became corporate espionage while cheating Fox Stock Holders out of billions in royalties for the movie and all sequels, videos, computer software, and other merchandise.
Many Americans have forgotten that the civil right movement and every word of the constitution is based upon the blood of maters. In New Orleans, the United States judiciary took the 10 commandments out of the Courthouse and buried the word of God underground reflecting their true allegiance. Judge Moore told CNN's Paula Zahn, “Without acknowledgement of God, we have no justice system, according to the Constitution. And that, I'm sworn to uphold.” Many believe the United States has moved from a democratic society to be dictated by a fascist regime. Ms. Stewart believes the U.S. judiciary is infested with Latent Racist and misogynist who operate with utter disdain and contempt towards people of color by maintaining a two tiered backhanded justice system that consistently defrauds people of color out of their constitutional rights equating to Judicial Hypocrisy and indicative of an overt campaign of “Economic Warfare.” (See: Reports by the Sentencing Project and Human Rights Watch)
Ms. Stewart believes this form of Judicial Hypocrisy perpetrated by the U.S Courts to deprive people of color of their civil rights, Due Process and Equal Protection of law, while obstructing many of the opportunity to appear before Jury trials in criminal and civil proceedings, thus leads many people of color to believe the system is corrupt to the core. Ms. Stewart believes this mischievous conduct perpetrated by America is prophesied by the scriptures.
Ms. Stewart professes there to be a brainwashing movement to persuade the general public to believe that racism no longer exists in America, while systematically programming White children to harbor an aversion towards Black people (i.e. Spiderman III). Ms. Stewart believes God is the discerner of the hearts and mind. Ms. Stewart has stated on several occasions, “When God sees racism perpetrated upon His people, the hearts of the perpetrators BURN with SHAME.” Ms. Stewart says, “The reason America does not want to hear the race card played is because their Hearts Burn with Shame.”
This thorn in the moral foundation of America reflects of adversarial judicial system against people of color that operates as an active participant to defraud billions of dollars ear marked for the infrastructure and economic prosperity of minority communities, thus amounting to “Economic Warfare.” At this juncture, you can take the Blue Pill the story ends you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe. You can take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I’ll show you how deep the rabbit whole goes. To have attempted to steel the legacy of Ms. Stewart’s copyright surmounts to the “Matrix System of Oppression and Enslavement.”
Spencer, Susan, Black Enterprise
Assemblyman Bernie Richter,
Frederick E. Jordan, California Business Council of Organizations for Equal Opportunity
Robert Matsui (D-Sacramento).
Kanter, Larry, Los Angeles Business Journal
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