Why did Laurence Fishburne of “The Matrix,” say on air on a WBLS morning show a few years back, that he wanted to meet Sophia Stewart, whom some refer to as the “Mother of The Matrix?” What is it about Stewart and her claims to authorship of the visionary blockbuster that makes her so compelling?
The story, like “The Matrix” itself, continues to challenge reality—blending fiction with truth like a silver spoon on a trip down the rabbit hole of legal battles—the stuff movies are made of.
“Well, he got his wish,” says Stewart of Fishburne, “in 2006, when we both did the red carpet at the Palms Casino for CineVegas Magazine. He was flirting with me and I enjoyed it,” she admitted, listing just a few of her celebrity fan base.
“Wesley Snipes took me out to dinner. Diddy met me, Jesse Jackson invited me to his private birthday party in Beverly Hills, and Hammer showed me great honor by telling everyone he knew who I was and why it was important to meet me.”
The Claim
Stewart claims authorship of “The Matrix” based on her original and copyrighted work “The Third Eye.” In a court in Utah, where Stewart resides, Judge Dale Kimball has ascertained one thing—Stewart never had a fair trial when she originally took this case to court in 2004 in the state of California following an aborted settlement, according to Stewart.
It was concluded that the original case against Andy Wichowski, Larry Wichowski, Thia Bloom, Twentieth Century-Fox Film Co., Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., and Joel Silver resulted in a fraudulent judgment obtained by her original attorneys who deliberately concealed all forms of evidence, deposition requests, and conspired to violate her civil rights to a fair trial. The case was therefore sabotaged when Stewart unknowingly failed to appear in a California court. This could result in future criminal charges against the attorneys.
According to the FBI’s investigation, explained Stewart, “The Terminator” was also derived from “The Third Eye,” bringing the total sum that Warner Brothers and Fox made up to an estimated $8 billion for both trilogies from combined sales of merchandise, games, and DVDs. With so much at stake, Warner Bros. and Fox have a lot to lose.
Judge Kimball rendered an opinion on August 28 this year, finding all four seasoned attorneys liable for malpractice, conspiracy, and fraud. The FBI told Stewart that any form of fraud committed in the original case automatically constitutes a new trial. At the same time, Stewart has filed complaints with three different Bar Associations alleging a newly coined term, “Industrial Copyright Infringement Espionage.” This process will reopen the case for a new trial.
Stewart, who holds a bachelors degree from the City University of New York in journalism with a minor in law and psychology, and who later studied writing, spoke with me at length in September in a persuasive and intriguing conversation. We talked about the first trial, her inspiration for “The Third Eye,” and the unusual event that precipitated it all.
The Inspiration for Her Writings
The personal story of Stewart’s “The Third Eye” and the gifts it yielded was most fascinating to me. According to Stewart, her third eye (referred to in Eastern religions as being located between the eyebrows leading directly to the pineal gland in the brain and thought to enable powers of higher cognition) opened at 3-years-old when her older brother accidentally shot her with a bow and arrow, piercing her skin squarely between her eyebrows. She said this resulted in this long-known spiritual phenomenon.
It wasn’t until years later that she read that Tibetan Buddhists do this intentionally after years of rigorous training in spiritual mastery. This supernormal ability—which purportedly allows one to see into other dimensions and access information such as various time-spaces, retrocognition, and precognition—supports certain motifs, themes, and images found in “The Matrix.”
The Oracle, a pivotal character in “The Matrix,” Stewart points out for example, was modeled after herself, an African-American woman who has visions and expansive spiritual consciousness. The elements of numbers and codes prevalent in the film can also be linked to Stewart’s unusual skills in mathematics. “I did taxes when I was 11 years old. I got paid to do adult’s taxes,” she says.
“I have the ability to separate and actually go in my astral body,” says Stewart. The aspect of the storyline from “The Matrix” that she refers to as “how the people would be able to be on the ship and their spirit bodies are fighting somewhere else,” was based on a technique she describes as “separating.” She says, “That’s how the virtual figures were created.”
“I am so well versed in history and knowledge of ancient history and people,” Stewart remarks that many wonder how she knows what she does. “I can’t explain to you, I just know this stuff. It was like I was there witnessing history when it was being made, so I have intimate details of it. It goes beyond any books or reading of it.”
Stewart says that these abilities used to be commonplace for everyone but have since atrophied, though hers are intact. “People started to forget and not believe; that’s basically how they failed because they didn’t have faith anymore.”
“When we trusted in the Father,” continued Stewart, “we had these gifts from Heaven.” Later she adds, “Man started to lie and said that God didn’t exist and took other people away in their beliefs of God.”
Asked how she would describe the theme of “The Matrix,” Stewart referred to the Bible, sighting Revelations and the second coming of Christ. Matrix is the Latin word for womb, and the text reveals that Christ has to come through the womb.
“Machines dominate, then humans are kept in la-la land, keeping them in ignorance, keeping them in fear and bondage. They will never, never go though evolution to evolve spiritually into their fourth dimensional body. They will keep coming back over and over again stopped by ignorance instead of enlightening.”
Next for Stewart, “I’m a writer” she says, and is eager to make the already written prequels to “The Matrix” called “When Gods Walked the Earth” and “Soulless.”
While I am listening to Stewart, she not only seems to be The Oracle, but now embodies Neo as well, battling a daunting system for her truth as a victim of plagiarism to be revealed.